Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Datting on Valentines Day

Valentines Day is a day that people spend showing how much they care about there significant other, and it goes back a very long time. For years now cards, gifts, flowers and chocolates are usually exchanged between partners. The man is expected to get the gifts, but the woman should make sure that they at least get a card. The longer you’ve been datting someone the more romantic this day can become, but anyone is allowed to show their feelings on this day.

February 14th is the day Valentines Day commences every year and you should ensure that you have this date listed on your calendar. When you take a date out on Valentines Day, you should make sure that you have set-up a romantic night for you and your partner. Women love to spend this day sharing feelings of love and this is the one day you need to be romantic.

Most men don’t like being romantic and I know this, but I also know that we’re capable of being romantic for a few days a year. There are plenty of venues you can take your date on this day, but some of the more popular Valentine destinations are the movies, clubs and candle-lit dinners. There are always special events happening in every city on this night as it’s a popular night for couples, so you should be able to find something romantic in the newspaper being advertised.

When you show up to get your date you’ll want to have flowers and a small gift in hand. The gift can be anything from chocolates to a house ornament it’s up to you. If you’ve already dated the person you’re going out with and you know what they like and dislike then choosing a gift is a lot easier. If it’s going to be the first date, then I would recommend bringing them chocolates as all women have a sweet spot for chocolates.

By spending a romantic night with your date on Valentines Day will show them how romantic of a man you are and will either make or break your relationship. A good night could turn into a longer term relationship, and if you don’t get it right then you might be left alone next Valentines Day. Datting is hard enough without having the added pressure of this being the most romantic day of the year, but you need to be able to excel in this situation if you expect to find a woman.

For those of you who are already married you should also spend time with your spouse on Valentines Day and make sure you show them that the love is still there. Over time couples usually get less romantic, but Valentines Day is used to show that you still love your partner. Even married women expect a small gift on this day and a nice dinner, so make sure men that you prepare for this day each and every year and don’t ever forget about it or you’ll definitely hear about it from your partner.

How to know if your date is going well

We’ve all been there: trying your absolute hardest to enjoy a date while a little voice keeps going off in the back of your head asking questions like: Am I saying the right things? Does my date like the way I look? Is my date going to want to see me again? The datting process can be uncomfortable, expensive, and more often than not, extremely stressful. Dating is hard enough without the added stress of wondering if the date is going well or not, so the next time you find yourself out on a date wondering if it’s going well, watch for these tell tale signs; they may save you from stress and heartache in the future.

  1. Eye Contact: Nothing says “I’m interested” more than constant eye contact. This is one of the more obvious ways to know that your date is going well. If your date is making a point to keep looking at you, well, then it’s apparent you have something that is catching your date’s eye. On the opposite end, if your date’s attention is focused on other people walking by, the silverware, or the floor for that matter, it’s obvious they are trying to prevent themselves from looking directly at you, which is a very bad sign. So, what’s the key to eye contact? Well, there are many subtle things you can do to draw attention to yourself. One very important thing that people forget to do when they’re nervous is to smile. Smiling can help in any kind of situation you’re in, but in this case it helps out a lot. Smiling while on a date will allow you to relax and also appear more confident about yourself, and having confidence will help you feel like you can conquer anything, even the date you’re on.
  2. The flow of conversation: When on a date, ask yourself how the conversations are going. Does your date seem interested in what you’re saying? Does your date seem to be laughing at your jokes? If you answered yes to the two previous questions, chances are your conversation is flowing quite well. If you answered no, well, then you may have a bit of a problem. We have all been in a situation like this in one way or another along the duration of our dating lives. If conversation does seem to be going sour, just remember to relax and don’t give in just yet. Begin to ask your date questions about his or her life. Questions like: what are your hobbies, what kind of music do you listen to, or what do you like to do on your spare time? All of these questions will turn the focus from keeping the conversation flowing to the interests and hobbies of your date, which will most likely allow you to bring up your hobbies and interests and possibly give you a chance to realize if the two of you share a lot in common or if your future dating this person will cease to exist.
  3. Feedback: Nerves can be high on a first date, so it’s very important to pay attention to any feedback your date may provide. For example, is your date complimenting you? Compliments are one tell tale sign that not only is your date going well, but your date is showing a high level of interest in you, which means they are interested. Also, is your date showing interest in you? Are they asking follow up questions when you’re talking to them about your interests and hobbies? By listening for those compliments and follow up questions can help you better gage how well the date is going.

By keeping track of these three indicators, you’ll a far better sense of how well the date went. There is no exact science, but this does take a lot of the guessing out of the equation, and will alleviate a lot of your dating stress in the future.